Action Handler

In this section, we introduce the ActionHandler. As mentioned before, the ActionHandler is the original class for handling the action in rest_framework_channels. The base class is AsyncActionHandler in rest_framework_channels.handlers. All ActionHandlers and Consumers in rest_framework_channels are inherited from it.

AsyncActionHandler will summarize its actions by itself when the instance (Async API Action Handler; the abbreviation is aaah which is similar as asgi in channels and view in django) is created.


We guess you will not take care the AsyncActionHandler due to the core class. Instead, you may be interested in AsyncAPIActionHandler inherited from AsyncActionHandler. AsyncAPIActionHandler handles with actions and permissions mainly. If you have already used rest_framework, it’s very easy to integrate the permission mechanism in rest_framework into your websocket project. Because AsyncAPIActionHandler’s interface is almost same as APIView in rest_framework.