The pagination is also useful when you have a large model in your project. You can use Paginator in rest_framework_channels too.
Let’s see the example.
from rest_framework.pagination import PageNumberPagination
from rest_framework_channels import generics
from rest_framework_channels.consumers import AsyncAPIConsumer
class TestPagination(PageNumberPagination):
page_size = 10
page_size_query_param = 'page_size'
max_page_size = 100
class ChildActionHandler(generics.ListAPIActionHandler):
serializer_class = TestSerializer
queryset = TestModel.objects.all()
pagination_class = TestPagination
class ParentConsumer(AsyncAPIConsumer):
routepatterns = [
path('test_child_route/', ChildActionHandler.as_aaah()),
As you can see the above example, all you have to do is add the pagination_class
only. This is same as original one.
When you send the below json after establishing the connection,
'action': 'list', # pagination will be used in list action at the almost cases
'route': 'test_child_route/?page=4',
The response will be the below. It’s awesome!
'errors': [],
'action': 'list',
'route': 'test_child_route/?page=4',
'status': 200,
'data': {
'count': 100,
'next': 'test_child_route/?page=5',
'previous': 'test_child_route/?page=3',
'results': [
'id': 31,
'title': 'Title31',
'content': 'Content31',
'id': 32,
'title': 'Title32',
'content': 'Content32',
'id': 40,
'title': 'Title40',
'content': 'Content40',
in response specifies the next route not url. previous
is as well.